7. Finally, if you can't do something yourself then please help me do it. You all know that I give as many appearances thru as many media and groups as I can, trying to help them to more knowledge in the hope that they will either not crucify some poor FP that gets exposed or even better to try to find the FPs among the audience. I've given away liter- ally thousands of copies of the Introduction literature and dozens of copies of the magazine and wives' book myself. I've spent hundreds of dollars travelling for plane fares, hotels, airport busses, meals, phones, etc. getting to and from places where I could speak or be interviewed, and 24 out of 25 such places do not pay a thing for ones services. So if you can't go you can always help me to do it for you by way of dona- tions for that purpose.
For example I have been invited to take part in a symposium on Human Sexuality at one of the State Colleges in Minnesota. I've also been asked to speak with the Dept. of Psychiatry at Wash. U. in St. Louis. Both of these will be paying part of my fare. However as I al- ways try to utilize my time as effectively as possible I have shows ar- ranged along the way see next page. All of these will be side trips from the path on which my fare will be paid. Even with coach fares land and Chicago have already said yes. All of these will be side trips from the path on which my fare will be paid. Even with coach fares on planes and cheap rooms in hotels it still ads up rapidly and I simply don't have the wherewithal to do things on my own as I used to. So you can help in this effort and frankly I solicit such help. A months trip away from home requires a large outlay on my part, both in time, money, and falling behind in work. So here is where you can help in- directly if not directly. I just can't do it all alone.
So again, and in conclusion - please think for a bit of how it was with you and remember all the others who are still there. There are lots of calls on our time and money these days and we can't fill them all by any means, but the sisters out there are our sisters they feel just like you felt and should therefore have a greater call on your sympathy and help than many other otherwise admirable appeals for help. So, as the story says: